Before you read today's post -- please answer the anonymous poll question in the right hand column about Bible reading. Thanks so much!
I have come across people through the years that are very "picky" as to where they get fuel for their car. One gas station has horrible customer service and another station had "bad" fuel one time. However, they now know of a gas station that has great customer service and a good product. Well, before we collectively roll our eyes, we will have to admit that we all have areas in which we tend to be "picky." How "picky" are we about our thoughts? Our thoughts are like fuel for our actions. A person's thought life is so private and secluded that the average person gives little attention to what fills their mind. So, hours and hours a day we can find ourselves...
1. Surfing the internet
2. Gaming
3. Email communication
4. Texting
5. Rehearsing an offense/nursing a grudge
6. Complaining about...well...anything
7. Reviewing how unfair an authority figure is
8. Justifying our wrong choices
9. Examining relatively unimportant things (i.e. - the weather, sports, shopping, recreation....) in the absence of "things which are above"
Do we have a difficult time thinking of spiritually substantive things from the last six months, in which we have yielded to the Lord for His doing a great work in our life? Have we realized little difference in our walk with God since this time six months ago? Have we become somewhat discouraged from the lack of fruit in our life that is pleasing to the Lord? The fruit that we seek is not as elusive as we may believe. A basic application of truth is essential for such fruit. Galatians 6:7-9 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Spiritual fruit will only come forward with the basic choice of sowing unto righteousness. Sowing seeds of righteousness in our actions and words begins with the things that fill our heart. Our heart fuels our meditations and our meditations fuel our words and actions. This is where we must begin in our quest for a closer walk with God in the year to come.
With what do you fill your heart? Here are a few suggestions to get started:
1. Be a Bible READER...choose a place and time to read God's Word every day...make this time non-negotiable like you would with an important meeting with the CEO of your company or a big client.
2. Be a Bible MEMORIZER...memorize God's Word by topic as this is how you most often need to recall Bible verses
3. Be a Bible your Bible memory daily. Put your cell phone down, get off the computer, and make the's that important!
4. Be a Bible TESTIFIER...get in the practice of testifying to other believers of the work of God in your life.
5. Be a Bible SOLDIER...don't live your life saying "I don't know much about the Bible" -- know God's Word by studying it.
6. Be a Bible RESPONDER...choose to be in church hearing the preaching of God's Word and fellowship with other believers every time the doors are open
7. Be a Bible RUNNER...make God and His Word your daily pursuit.
It's time to fuel up...what fuel are you using today?
Great challenge Pastor! These steps will be good to add to our "spiritual game plan" challenge you gave around New Years. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYes they would Grant! We can never go wrong with a stronger emphasis on the Bible in our lives. Praise God for the power of His Word! "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" Jer. 23:29