Friday, August 21, 2015

5 Reasons to Hope in God

Are you feeling overwhelmed today?  We can all find ourselves in a place where daily pressures and struggles can start to feel like more than we can handle.  "People are against us"..."circumstances push hard on us"...and "answers to prayer seem silent."  It is during these times in our lives that we can often feel restless.  We then become prone to

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Some time ago a friend was trying to show me something in the sky.  They seemed to be pointing in one direction and facing in a different direction – and I couldn’t figure out what they were pointing at.  I finally said, “I can’t tell the direction you are facing!”

This lead to an interesting thought for me -- Would a person who is looking for something more in life remain "wandering in the wilderness" when trying to follow my example?  The thought was convicting.  I know that money, fame, and power do not satisfy.  In fact, quarterback Tom Brady even said after winning his third Super Bowl, "This is

Monday, August 3, 2015

Awesome Scripture Memory Pics!

I don't know about you...but I tend to learn more when I am able to picture it.  Check out my new scripture memory pic and then go to my church's Facebook page for more like it!


Find the Topical Scripture Memory Plan photo album to view 12 more beautiful pics reminding you of Bible verses about the person of God.  I hope this may stir you to include more scripture in your daily routine.